Pinball FX3 Leagues

A dedicated group of pinball fanatics from all around the world who love setting amazing high scores and personal bests! Weekly tournaments are held where results are tallied and displayed daily to see where you rank among some of the greatest players in the World!
Be a part of the pinball discussion daily on the official “Hyna Gang” Facebook and Twitter page where all the members get to know each other better and share tips for the pinball tables! If you love pinball as much as us, Hyna Gang Tourneys is where you should join up! Everyone welcome!
How to Join
You can join Hyna Gang tournaments:
1. by participating directly from your console/PC searching for Hyna or one of our other core members
2. by joining us on Facebook: … (or search for: Hyna Gang)
3. by joining us on Twitter: (#HynaGang)

It began with a forum openned around 2007 witch became over time a real team, gathering passionated pinball players. Mainly active on Pinball FX3, all our members share the same passion about the small ball of steel, either on video games or on real machines.
Our members have various skills level, from the beginner to the expert and they all contribute to keep things moving in the forum in the spirit of one team. We’re proud that among them we can find some of the best Pinball FX3 players, and their highscore, often at the top of the leaderboards, are just the reflect of their love and devotion for this game.
How to Join
You can sign up here:
Discussions in french, but everyone welcome!

The OPPL (Original Playstation Pinball League) is a facebook based league that was started in 2013 and has been a place where players from all over the world can compete against each other on 2 different Zen Studios FX3 tables every week.
Our league is set up into a number of divisions, using this method assures players that they are not playing against players who are much higher or lower than their skill level. Once you have joined the league you will be placed in the bottom division. All you need to do is to register with our group and play pinball, we take care of all the rest of the stats and Administrative stuff. Based upon your weekly scores on the 2 selected weekly tables, you can move up or down a division every 10 weeks. So all you need to do is play pinball and check the facebook page and see how you did!
How to Join
To join our league, simply log onto facebook and type Original Playstation Pinball League into the search bar, select the group page that comes up and apply for a membership. Also, you can go onto the PSN Communities, and type Playstation Pinball League into the community search there. You will find one that mentions OPPL & FX3, join the community and mention on the community wall that you would like to join and we will look after you.